Winterizing a home in Wyoming is a do-it-your-self project you may find surprisingly easy and inexpensive.

According to Energy Star, you can save up to 20 percent with these five tips this winter.

1. Reverse the ceiling fan. Most have a switch to simply flip. Clockwise pushes furnace air toward the ceiling and then down the walls. Since thermostats monitor room temperature closer to the floor, it gives a more accurate reading, which should help your system work more efficiently. Go figure.

2. Replace your HVAC filter. A clogged furnace filter causes the system to work overtime, and just recycle dirty air. A filter is easy to get and typically costs $5 to $20.

3. Add weather stripping and caulk.  Check around windows and doors. Just use your hands to feel for cold air. You can purchase foam or vinyl stripping for $5 to $10. Try a door sweep for any gap between the bottom of a door and threshold. It can be attached directly to the door, typically priced from $5 to $20. Some will consider hiring a handyman to seal up gaps or install stripping. Most have experience with home winterizing and will charge a flat, hourly rate for it.

4. Insulate.  An energy auditor can assess for efficiency. A professional audit can cost between $300 and $800, but many utilities offer free or discounted audits or incentives to have them done.

5. Seal air ducts.  Energy Star says about 20 percent of the air is lost due to cracks, leaks and faulty connections, making it difficult to get heat, and cause utility bills to soar. If you have flexible ducts, look for areas that appear twisted or tangled. Use metal tape to repair cracks in the ducts. For joints, use a mastic sealant and metal screws to fasten them back together. If you have ducts in your attic, garage or an unheated part of the home, consider wrapping them in insulation. Hire an HVAC expert to assess the efficiency of your air ducts.

All of this info, in a much longer version, is courtesy of

If your home won't generate enough heat, you will call someone, right? We mean it seriously, stay warm.

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