Would you love a hot tub? What if I told you that there's a free one on Wyoming Craigslist? It's available, but it would require a bit of a drive. Is it worth it?

Here's a snapshot of the full Wyoming Craigslist listing in case you think I'm making this up.

Wyoming Craigslist
Wyoming Craigslist

Here's a bigger pic so you can stare at all of that free hot tub goodness.

Wyoming Craigslist
Wyoming Craigslist

The current owner says in the listing that it's free, but you haul and he/she doesn't know if it works.

Here's the catch. It's in Alpine, Wyoming. That's practically Idaho.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Would you do a 5 hour and 45 minute drive for a free hot tub that may or may not work? If you do, let me know how this works out. I'd love to know someone with a hot tub.

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