Did Anti-Baldness Drugs Really Turn a Dude Into a Girl?
Did Anti-Baldness Drugs Really Turn a Dude Into a Girl?
Did Anti-Baldness Drugs Really Turn a Dude Into a Girl?
Anti-baldness drugs like Propecia have been linked to a wide variety of unpleasant sex-related side effects including impotence, loss of libido and “genital shrinkage” (eek). But one guy who took a generic version of the medication says he suffered a far worse fate — he turned into a woman.
FDA Says Flu Injector Devices Not Approved as Vaccines
FDA Says Flu Injector Devices Not Approved as Vaccines
FDA Says Flu Injector Devices Not Approved as Vaccines
Flu vaccines have always been dreaded by those who hate shots, but this year a company called PharmaJet introduced a device that uses “a high-pressure steam of liquid to pierce the skin and deliver the vaccine.” The needle-phobics rejoiced. But now the FDA is saying, Not so fast.