Getting caught sleeping at work is one of the easiest ways to look incompetent at work, even if you're a good worker.  So if you absolutely cannot stay awake, your best bet is to go somewhere else, like your car for a power nap.

But according to a former H.R. director, if you keep dozing off and can't get away from your desk, here are a couple of ways you can supposedly still get away with catching a few ZZZ's.  They are not the safest ways to get some sleep... so try these at your own risk!

1.  Lie down under your desk.  Then if someone finds you, pretend you were having computer problems, and had to plug something back in.

2.  Lean on one hand, and put something in front of you, so it looks like you're reading.  Then just make sure you're not facing anyone who can tell your eyes are closed.

If you want to sell it a little more, put a pen in your other hand.  The best part is if you get caught, you can pretend you dozed off by accident.

3.  Make it look like you're reaching down to grab something off the floor.  Lean forward so you're face-down on your desk and then let one arm hang off towards the floor.  Then just place a piece of paper on the floor right below your hand, so it looks like you're reaching for it.

The problem with that one is if someone sees you for more than a couple of seconds, they'll know you fell asleep.

Click here and watch as ABC's 20/20 does a quick report on overworked employees in America and falling asleep on the job.

Source: ABC News

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