Drew Weisholtz is an award-winning writer who has had his work published on several websites, including GuySpeed, StarCrush.com and theFW.com. Previously, he has written and served as a producer for ABC News Radio and also spent time as a stand-up comedian. He can be found rooting for his beloved Yankees and Giants and begrudgingly holds out hope his Rutgers Scarlet Knights will one day return to the NCAA Tournament. When that's not consuming him, he passes time quoting "Saved By the Bell" and making fun of his in-laws. You can follow him on Twitter.
Drew Weisholtz
Can You Fall in Love Right Now With a Total Stranger By Asking These 36 Questions?
Finding your soul mate is hard because the heart knows reason of which reason knows not (or whatever it was the Pascal said).
How Many Pictures Are in Your Cell Phone Right Now? [POLL]
We all do it. You see a moment and you have to capture it.
Sliced Chocolate Is Here and We’ve Never Been Happier
This is the kind of innovation you didn't know you needed until you saw it.
Crystal Pepsi Is Coming Back — Here’s How You Can Get It
If you're a fan of the '90s, do we have news that's going to make your year.
Doctor Has Magical Method for Quieting a Crying Baby
It's a mystery as old as time itself -- how can you get a crying baby to calm down?
Fun Thanksgiving Facts and Figures to Blow Your Mind
Yup, Thanksgiving is here. You know the drill -- travel, see family, eat turkey, sleep it off. But there is so much more to this day than you might realize.
What Is the Difference Between Yams and Sweet Potatoes?
How long should you wait until you get thirds? Should you tell Uncle Walter his teeth fell into the cranberry sauce? How do you find the words to describe Aunt Muriel's stuffing without offending her? Good questions all, but none are the most pressing on Thanksgiving.
4 Things to Do (Besides Shopping) on Black Friday
You've eaten the turkey and done the family thing. Next up: Black Friday, the holiest of holy days in the shopping universe.
Who in Their Right Mind Would Pay $45,000 for Thanksgiving Dinner?
Think you're paying a lot to host Thanksgiving dinner? Puh-leeze.
Third-Graders Reveal Sadness in Heartbreaking Assignment
Kids say the darnedest things.
Technology Wins Again With This Clock That Orders Pizza
Fun fact: the only thing more satisfying than eating pizza is the feeling after you've ordered a pizza.
How Much Will You Spend on Valentine’s Day? [POLL]
Red may be the color of love, but you can bet the green will be flying this Valentine’s Day.