Jeremy Taylor

California Woman Learns She Won $23 Million Lottery Just in Time
ABC News
A little more than five months ago, a Los Angeles woman bought a lottery ticket at Michael’s Market & Liquor. She then left it in her car and forgot about it, obviously not that enthused with her 18 million-to-one odds of hitting the jackpot.
Unbeknownst to her, she hit that jackpot to the turn of $23 million.

What Type of Product Endorsement Do You Trust Most? — Survey of the Day
Roger Kisby, Getty Images
Thanks to the Internet, there is ample opportunity for you to research just about any product before buying it. However, according to a survey by Battery Ventures of 1,013 adults, the kind of product endorsement that matters most is one you won’t be able to find on the World Wide Web.

Will Your Holiday Season Suffer if Your Presidential Candidate Loses? — Survey of the Day
Mark Wilson, Getty Images
Barring any 2000-like uncertainty, we will know who won the 2012 presidential election by Wednesday morning. Whether Mitt Romney or Barack Obama emerges victorious, just about as many Americans will likely be disappointed by the result as delighted by it.

After Sandy, a Major Above-Ground Rat Invasion May Be Next for New York
If you’ve spent time in New York City, you’ve seen your share of rats. The most common place to spot the unpopular rodents is in the city’s subways. Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, many of the subway tunnels are currently flooded, leaving the rats nowhere to go but up.
And according to experts, they will have no problem doing so.

Heads Up! Watch a Low-Hanging Bridge Defeat Numerous Trucks
Unless you’re driving a truck or bus, you can pretty much ignore the signs which warn how tall upcoming bridges are. But it turns out that many truck drivers also ignore these signs, and as you’ll see in this video compilation, they often pay a price for it!

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping When Sharing the Bed With a Partner? — Survey of the Day
We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, so not being good at it is a drag. And according to a new survey from the Better Sleep Council, the best way to get a good night sleep may be to ditch the person you are sleeping next to.

What’s Your Biggest Workplace Fear? — Survey of the Day
As anybody who’s ever had a job will tell you, work isn’t always fun. In fact, sometimes it can be downright scary.

Would You Fall for the Collapsing Elevator Prank?
The folks at LG think their flat screens are pretty lifelike. So to prove it, they covered the floor of an elevator with the screens and had cameras running when unsuspecting office workers got into the lift.

Halloween Costumed Girl Shot By Relative Who Mistook Her For a Skunk
It’s unclear if a nine-year-old New Sewickley, PA, girl was actually dressed as a skunk Saturday night for a local Halloween party.
But she was wearing a black hat and a white tussle and that was enough for a relative of the unidentified girl to mistake her for the stinky varmint.

Are You Looking Forward to Seeing Your In-Laws This Thanksgiving? — Survey of the Day
Thanksgiving is not far off, and it's about time to start thinking about the guest list for this year's Turkey dinner. More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving brings together extended families. And with that comes the requisite complaints about crazy uncles and in-laws.
But are those familial ties really that hard to deal with?

Multiple Cameras Watch as 600-Pound Marlin Wreaks Havoc on Fishing Boat
A group of anglers from Australia have quite a fishing tale to tell, with the video to back it up.

You Probably Don’t Need an Annual Checkup With Your Doctor
It would seem like getting a yearly physical would make you less likely to die of an otherwise undiagnosed malady than someone who doesn’t go in for such checkups. But that may not be the case.