Last year the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, with help from partners, invested more than $13 million in aquatic and terrestrial habitat projects in 2023.

Game and Fish recently released the 2023 Statewide Habitat Plan Annual Report, highlighting diverse project accomplishments throughout the state. Game and Fish allocated more than $4.6 million for habitat projects and was able to leverage that for more than $8.6 million from the Wyoming Wildlife Natural Resources Trust fund, federal government funds, state funds, private landowners and local conservation partners. That is equivalent to $2.86 coming from external partners for every Game and Fish dollar allocated. Through these funds, Game and Fish was able to execute 237 projects in 2023.

“Quality habitat is essential for effective wildlife management,” said Brian Nesvik, Game and Fish director. “The department is deeply committed to sustaining healthy populations of aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. By investing in our habitat, we create resilient landscapes that enable wildlife to endure fluctuations in water availability and severe winters.”

“Improving and restoring stream miles is crucial for aquatic habitat. It enhances water quality, increases biodiversity and ensures the viability of fish and other aquatic species,” said Paul Dey, Game and Fish statewide aquatic habitat manager. “Healthy streams provide essential resources such as clean water, food and shelter for aquatic species and also supports a balanced and thriving ecosystem.”

In addition to the aquatic habitat work, Game and Fish collaborated on projects that led to the management of more than 935,000 acres of terrestrial habitat. Herbicide treatments to help control and prevent the spread of invasive grasses culminated at 80,704 acres.

“Reducing the spread of cheatgrass and other invasive grasses to benefit wildlife is a priority for the Department,” said Ian Tator, Game and Fish statewide terrestrial habitat manager. “We will continue to focus energy on this important task, so species like mule deer and sage grouse have access to the resources they need.”

See all the details on the statewide habitat plans here.

“We couldn’t accomplish our goals or achieve the same level of impact without our partners, and in 2023 the Muley Fanatic Foundation has exemplified what is possible when we have strong partnerships in place,” Nesvik said.

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