T-Bird Basketball And Volleyball Camps Set For June
Registrations are now being taken for Casper College’s annual summer basketball and volleyball camps held in June.
All three camps will be run by Casper College coaches and Thunderbird players and will emphasize fundamentals and one-on-one instruction. The girls basketball camp runs June 8-10, the girls volleyball camp runs June 15-17, and the boys basketball camp runs June 22-24.
Dwight Gunnare’s girls basketball camp will offer three different sessions: girls entering kindergarten through third, 9-11 a.m.; fourth through sixth, 1-3 p.m.; and seventh through eighth, 3-5 p.m. The cost is $75 and each camper will receive a camp basketball and t-shirt.
Angel Sharman’s volleyball camp for girls will feature three sessions: grades fifth and sixth, 10 a.m.-noon; seventh and eighth, 1-3 p.m.; and ninth through 12th, 3-5 p.m. Cost is $70 if paid before June 15 and $75 on June 15. Each participant will receive a camp t-shirt.
Dan Russell’s boys basketball camp will offer two different sessions: boys in first through fourth grade, 10 a.m.- noon; and boys in fifth through eighth grade, 1-3 p.m. All participants will receive a t-shirt and camp basketball. The cost is $75 per person.
For more information about the camps, call the Casper College athletic department at 307-268-3000 or caspercollege.edu.