It is crazy to think that things were SO different at this time four years ago. The coronavirus prompted a global pandemic that none of us have experienced before.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic may have caused people to drive less in 2020, many of those who did drive were driving faster, according to the Wyoming Highway Patrol.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we've seen many events in 2020 canceled or postponed. The Christmas parade in Lander wasn't one of them and now you can view pretty much all of it online.
It's that time of year when some of the most exotic sports cars you will ever see come cruising through Wyoming. The Goldrush Rally just stopped in Jackson and I have found brand new video of what classic supercars paid us a visit.
Yellowstone National Park is an amazing place during the daytime, but it can be even more compelling at night. One driver was traveling through the park when he encountered an entire wolf pack blocking the roadway.
If you don't follow the weather in Gillette, you may not be aware that they recently got hit by a massive hail storm. There's new video that shows a driver who got caught out in the storm.
2020 has been a year unlike any other due to the pandemic and other adjacent crisis that have developed. If the internet is to be believed (just don't), the Yellowstone super volcano will be the next big event we'll have to deal with.
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to my Valentines' guide to having a perfect heartfelt day with the love of your life. (Keep in mind, I'm 100% single and it will become clear that I don't have a romantic bone in my body.)