The Casper Humane Society currently has 26 dogs available for adoption. We have gathered their photos and little biographies below. There are puppies, and grizzled veterans, and everything in between - all of them need a home.
A married couple from Douglas, Wyoming recently adopted two special needs children from Ukraine. 24 hours after signing the adoption papers, the first bombs in Ukraine began to fall.
If you've ever dreamed of owning your own wild horse, this is your opportunity. Wyoming's Bureau of Land Management will have 40 wild horses available for adoption.
Out of Sarah Larsen's six children, three are adopted. Each of her children has their own unique story, but Vitaliy’s adoption led to the creation of Host Ukraine and more than 500 other Ukrainian children finding forever homes.
10 years ago, when the youngest of their three biological children was 5, Steven and Kristen Marler decided to become a part of Wyoming’s Department of Family Services Foster Care Program. Since then they have welcomed over 70 children into their home, and adopted 8.