This man planned to have a calm walk at night. It almost worked until his stroll included a monster moose who was blocking his path and would not move.
I will admit that I was never good at figuring out physics. But, I would argue that even a scientist would be impressed by new video that shows a monster moose managing to fit his huge antler rack through a fence gate.
As hot as it's been this summer in Wyoming, we understand that sometimes you need to find some relief by playing in a sprinkler. That's also the case if you're a moose as a new video share reveals.
Along with the series news that we're all dealing with now, it's nice to have a few "aw" moments to go along with that. This story of an abandoned moose and a dog who have become buddies fits that to a "T".
If you listen to this Casper radio station, you have something in common with people near Anchorage, Alaska as there is proof they heard it this past summer.