In the new Looney Tunes cartoons putting lit TNT in each other's mouths and running after Bugs Bunny with a sickle is okay but guns will no longer be seen.
Recently I was talking with some co-workers about their favorite cartoon characters from their childhood and where they think that they would be hanging out around Casper, as you can imagine I got some pretty interesting answers.
It is a pretty awesome feeling to have you state represented on the longest-running American scripted prime-time television series, even if it's only for a few seconds.
I have seen plenty of mashed-up trailers, but this was has got to be the best. This is what you get when you mix the Furious 7 trailer with scenes from Disney-Pixar's Cars franchise.
Want to be a hit at parties, or at least know what to say when the silent anger builds up to a point at the dinner table where everyone is just seething and glaring at each other? Have we got a Tumblr for you!!
If you've checked your Facebook feed lately, chances are you've seen a friend, coworker, acquaintance or former middle school teacher sharing a "new" inspirational Bill Watterson cartoon. Except, it's not actually by the reclusive artist behind the beloved 'Calvin and Hobbes' comic strip.
We've been mourning the sad loss of 'Calvin and Hobbes' ever since cartoonist Bill Watterson stopped producing the beloved comic strip in 1995. But apparently the strip hasn't gone completely forgotten, since a piece of original 'Calvin and Hobbes' artwork recently broke a record at auction by selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Videos of old-timey skeleton dances are the best way to get a little spook-ified before Halloween without accidentally soiling yourself. That is a fact -- you can ask anybody. Oh, thanks for asking. Yes, that is a fact. From PBS to Disney and beyond, here are the best skeleton dances EVER to get you into the spirit of Halloween.
Now that Herman Cain has suspended his bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, he seems ready to admit that he borrowed liberally from ‘Pokemon: The Movie 2000′ during a speech (no joke). That has to be the strangest political confession of all time.
On last night’s ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,’ lovable cartoon characters Phineas and Ferb lent a hand to the home demolition portion of the show.
Marge Simpson thought it was unfair when Barbara Bush labeled ‘The Simpsons‘ “the dumbest thing I had ever seen” during an interview the then-First Lady did in 1990.
So Marge wrote Barbara a letter in which she explained that she was “deeply hurt” by the criticism, and that she wasn’t sure why Bush hadn’t given her family “the benefit of the doubt.”