Gas prices in Wyoming and across the continue saw a greater increase this week as OPEC+ has cut oil production while refiner issues in the U.S. persist.
Gas prices continue to fall across the country, as prices in Wyoming and nationally have fallen 16.9 and 17.4 cents respectively over the past week, part of a consistent 40-day decline.
Gas prices in Wyoming have risen by several cents in the past week, while national prices have fallen back below $5 a gallon for the first time in nine weeks.
Gas prices in Wyoming have continued to rise in the past week, along with the national price which is approaching $5 a gallon, as Russian sanctions continue to affect gas prices across the world.
Wyoming gas prices have risen by 1.1 cents in the last week, compared to the six-cent rise from the week before, as national gas prices continue to increase.
Wyoming gas prices have risen almost 6 cents in the past week, while nationally the price has increased for the first time in a month as oil prices continue to fluctuate around $100 a barrel.
Nationally, the average price of gas may be close to falling under $4 a gallon, while in Wyoming prices are even closer to falling under that mark, with the current average at $4.02 a gallon.
Gasoline prices in Wyoming and across the country have decreased for the first time in three months after increases due to hostilities and war between Russia and Ukraine.
While gas prices have increased heavily over the past two weeks, prices in the past few days have stabilized, but while the war continues in Ukraine an increase is still possible.