Higher education can be a very important factor in getting the career, as well as the salary, you want, which is just another good reason to live in the great state of Wyoming.
Casper College announced that the parents of Casper Police Lieutenant Danny Dundas, David and Karla Dundas, have established a scholarship for Casper College in honor of their late son.
Graduation is right around the corner for all of our high schoolers in Casper and most of them have already decided where they'll be attending college in the fall. If you haven't made a choice yet, this list may sway you to stay in the cowboy state.
Graduation for both high school and college are right around the corner. If you're anything like me, gift giving has never been your forte and it can be even harder when you've got to set aside and extremely cheap budget for the 5-10 family members and friends who are graduating.
My oldest son Bridger is starting college today, my husband and I drove him down to Laramie to help him get settled in his dorm last Friday. We had fun, went to the Craig Morgan Concert & Pep Rally and the UW game on Saturday. Bridger came home with us though, because as many of you know, bow season opened up on Monday the 1st, and we can’t miss that! So, I really didn’t have to say goodbye