Have you Googled it? The search engine is so common and trusted it is the first thing we go to for information. What has Wyoming Googled the most in 2015?
It’s a familiar scenario for most people: You haven’t watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones or Mad Men, or you’ve yet to make it to the theater to check out the latest movie your friends have all been gushing over. But social media is an irresistible force, so you hop on Twitter or Facebook anyway, and soon find yourself navigating a minefield. At any given moment, you might read a spoiler. Lucky for you, there may soon be an app for that.
Governor Matt Mead is excited to announce that the State of Wyoming is joining Google and the State of Colorado to bring together computer programmers who will develop creative solutions for problems faced by Wyoming and Colorado state agencies. The...
Wyoming law makers are contemplating a ban on wearable tech while operating a vehicle, notably the upcoming wearable computing device Google Glass. Will this put an end to wearable tech on the road in our state?
@Amazing_Maps recently revealed the results of what Google's auto-complete function assumes you are typing when you start with "Why is so..."
The results? People seem to be quite interested in knowing why Wyoming is so darn windy!