Craig Johnson, the best-selling author of the Longmire series and a longtime Ucross neighbor, will introduce the Governor and First Lady to the stage for the award presentation and proclamation.
Wyoming residents may qualify for a refund if they have occupied their property nine or more months in 2022 and their personal assets do not exceed $150,000 per adult member of the household
Gordon: "Fossil fuels are an important part of our state's energy mix and a vital component of any effort to successfully address reasonable climate goals. With innovation, they will continue to be part of our portfolio for the foreseeable future."
In January of 2022 Governor Mark Gordon petitioned that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service delist the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) grizzly bear population.
Governor Mark Gordon announced on Thursday that Wyoming has joined 24 other states in a lawsuit over a rule from the Department of Labor that would impact the retirement accounts of countless Wyoming residents.
"Governor Mark Gordon has announced the appointment of Byron Mathews as State Fire Marshal and Director of the Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety."
One proposal of note the Governor made was to offer property tax relief for Wyoming residents who he believes were most impacted by inflation - seniors and those living with fixed incomes.