Gun Laws

Governor Gordon Invites NRA to Relocate to Wyoming, Amid Bankruptcy Denial
Governor Gordon Invites NRA to Relocate to Wyoming, Amid Bankruptcy Denial
Governor Gordon Invites NRA to Relocate to Wyoming, Amid Bankruptcy Denial
Amid allegations of exorbitant, improper spending by its CEO and a failed attempt to file for bankruptcy, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is on the search for a new location for its headquarters, and Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, along with Secretary of State Ed Buchanan have sent the Virginia-based, purported non-profit organization a letter, inviting them to relocate to Wyoming.
How Heavily Armed is Wyoming?
How Heavily Armed is Wyoming?
How Heavily Armed is Wyoming?
According to CBS's report of the ATF's National Firearms Registration and Firearms Transfer Records as compared to the number of persons in each state, one state stands out above all the rest when it comes to firearm saturation.