We Can't Believe What This Hunter In Idaho Found In A Large HoleWe Can't Believe What This Hunter In Idaho Found In A Large HoleTwo hunters in Idaho found a large hole and decided to see what was living inside it. We thought it would be a Badger...but we were SO wrong.Prairie WifePrairie Wife
WATCH: Josh Carney Can Do Over 30 Animal Calls With Just His VoiceWATCH: Josh Carney Can Do Over 30 Animal Calls With Just His VoiceWhen I came across this video of a man using just his voice to create multiple animal calls ON DEMAND I was so impressed I had to share it.Prairie WifePrairie Wife
WATCH: This Kids’ Voice Over Wyoming Hunting Video Is HilariousWATCH: This Kids’ Voice Over Wyoming Hunting Video Is HilariousZiad Skaf of ZTV Outdoors had his nephew help film a recent Mule Deer hunt in Basin, Wyoming. His nephew's voice over is hilarious.Prairie WifePrairie Wife