Calling Mulder and Scully. Something weird is going on over the moon. There are multiple video shares showing weird objects over the lunar surface and it's definitely one for the X-Files.
I'm a big fan of NASA. They are responsible for astronauts and space stuff. That's probably obvious to you. But, what you may not realize is they also share a lot of pictures from space. From their collection, here are 5 awesome pics of Wyoming I think you'll enjoy.
As a kid, I was always fascinated by astronauts and space in general. I loved the Star-Trek movies and all though I realize that those movies are all fake It never stopped me from nerding out when I got to see what kinds of things NASA was up to just above our planet.
If you are a fan of looking up into the sky and seeing the other planets, then you may want to invest in a telescope because Jupiter is going to be so close to the earth that you'll be able to see it with a pair of binoculars!
You can sleep easy tonight knowing this isn't likely to happen in our lifetime, but what if a 200-foot asteroid exploded over Wyoming? Thanks to a recent scientific study, we know what that might be like. Let's put it this way. It would be a very bad day.
The planets are always doing awesome things that we aren't always aware of. Sometimes we are notified well before the solar events, and other times we aren't able to see them thanks to the weather or just not having enough time.
What will the eclipse really look like in Cheyenne? We have the answer to that question thanks to an amazing simulator. You might be surprised how similar it looks to Casper.
NASA is hoping you will partner up with them and choose to become a citizen scientist for the upcoming 2017 solar eclipse. Here's how to join in the fun...
Media representatives tell Wilcox they are looking for the reactions from the first-timers, the people who drove 12 hours for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.