There are quite a few dangerous intersections in Casper, but in my humble opinion, the mall entrance at Wyoming Boulevard and Carriage Lane is one of the worst.
It's strange to complain about the media when you look in the mirror and realize that you are also part of the media. But, I really have reached the point where I'm really tired of being told what to think and how I should feel by media social and otherwise.
You would think after a couple of months I would have learned something by now. But, I must confess that after 2 months of lock-down I'm still as confused as ever about COVID-19.
Before I get into my tyrant, I'd just like to say that I'm beyond grateful for the hard work that these folks put in during a Wyoming snowstorm. They are out on the slick streets with mounds of snow piling up around them and for that, I want to say thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to my Valentines' guide to having a perfect heartfelt day with the love of your life. (Keep in mind, I'm 100% single and it will become clear that I don't have a romantic bone in my body.)
After I read this study from I got really sad and started reflecting on my own family and how much time we spend a week talking to one another and communicating face to face every week. In all fairness, we are all adults with full-time jobs and don't live in the same house so we spend a lot less time having face to face family time.
If you were to guess what kind of vehicle is the most popular vehicle in Wyoming I bet you'd say some big truck or all-wheel drive vehicle huh? Well if that's what you guessed, you'd be wrong according to our good friend the internet.
So I know that there are a ton of skills that most everyone used to know how to do fairly efficiently and it seems that the more we move forward in the future those skills are slowly but surely becoming nonexistent. Which is kind of heartbreaking for the most part.
Technology has always been a super cool thing and every day it gets cooler. (More cool?) My family has always been huge into tech. Whether it was our video games, the latest phones, TVs, you name it, we had it.
I am in the process of getting over a nasty "man cold" as my family refers to it as. With that, I had to take a day off of work and when I returned my boss told me that I should probably consider getting this year flu shot.