When will Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, and Krispy Kreme kick off PSL season? We've got the rundown on when these restaurants start to serve pumpkin spice treats.
The pumpkin spice trend has taken things to a whole new level in recent years. It didn't just stop with pumpkin spice flavored lattes or cappuccinos, it expanded into some of our other favorite beverages, and into our favorite foods and it seems that Wyoming loves it. What is happening? Is Wyoming this basic? And now there's a particular pumpkin spice flavored food that Wyoming can't stop Googling so they can either purchase it or make it.
Whether you like pumpkin spice or not, I think we can all agree that this trend is getting a bit out of hand. Here are some Wyoming made pumpkin spice items you should be glad don't exist.