I found a beaver who should be the envy of every aspiring Wyoming surfer. A new video share shows how this little guy expertly navigated across some of the most intense rapids in the state with ease.
I've told a few whoppers in my day about fish I may or may not have caught, but this is no fish story. An Idaho man caught a record Yellowstone cutthroat trout recently and he has the picture to prove it.
In my latest effort to prove I am the most obsessed log cabin lover in Wyoming, I decided to find the most expensive one in the state. I did and you can look at the pictures for the price of free.
Meeteetse Wyoming has been blessed with a chocolatier who has traveled around the world to learn everything he can to make some pretty incredible treats. He's even gone as far as mixing in beers from local breweries into his chocolate.
The next time you need to mail something, you can include a brand new stamp that features the beauty of Wyoming. It features the Grand Tetons and it's epic...for a stamp.
This is river surfing, and it looks intense. One of the more infamous places to drop-in is the "Lunch Counter" on the Snake River. Just be ready to eat water.