What If The Eiffel Tower Replaced Casper’s ‘Egg Beater’What If The Eiffel Tower Replaced Casper’s ‘Egg Beater’We wanted to compare Casper to Paris looking at their iconic towers. It required some number crunching, but it gave us some interesting things to ponder.Bill SchwamleBill Schwamle
Wells Fargo Tower Repurposed?Wells Fargo Tower Repurposed?Many ideas were tossed around, but we thought a few of these might be fun and would certainly help to boost tourism for the city of Casper.Rodeo RickRodeo Rick
Take A Spin on the ‘Eggbeater’ Take A Spin on the ‘Eggbeater’ The town of Casper could be losing one of its 7 Wonders. Before it was too late, I decided to go out and record the eggbeater in action.Bill SchwamleBill Schwamle