Disney tried to teach us at a young age at the "circle of life" with nature is often times hard to see, but witnessing it firsthand in the wild is still shocking.
A recent visitor to Yellowstone National Park witnessed drama that is rarely witnessed anywhere else. It was the moment a herd of elk were fleeing a wolf pack and it doesn't end like you'd expect.
It's a wolf pack versus a hungry grizzly. Just another day in Yellowstone National Park as valuable food sources were in the middle of a wolf versus bear confrontation.
I've never seen anything quite like this before. A new video share from Yellowstone National Park seems to show a bison bull chasing off wolves and bears after one of their own is fallen.
A family was driving near the Mammoth Hot Springs area of Yellowstone National Park when they realized there were others on the road. Not just vehicles, but also a lone howling gray wolf that was holding up traffic.