The possible eruption (someday) of the super-volcano in Yellowstone is almost laughable for those of us that live here. Sure, it could happen someday, but in our lifetime? Probably not. But, if you've ever wondered what that event might look like, there's a new computer simulation of this terrifying event.
Thanks to movies and pop culture, the Yellowstone super-volcano in our backyard gets all the press from sensationalistic theories about the end of the world. The truth is there is a much more dangerous super-volcano and it's not Yellowstone. It's Campi Flegrei.
Are you concerned about current instability in the world? Thinking that Yellowstone may erupt and ruin our day sometime soon? I have a solution for you. It's a community of survival bunkers in a remote part of South Dakota.
The one constant in Yellowstone is change. Mike Poland, the Scientist-in-Charge for the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, updated us on changing ecosystem in and around the Yellowstone super volcano.
I must admit that I tend to be apprehensive about sharing news about what the geysers are doing in Yellowstone. The reason being that no matter what I share someone seems to want to tie it to the super volcano. That's likely to be the case here as Steamboat Geyser has started erupting much more frequently over the past few weeks.
2020 has been a year unlike any other due to the pandemic and other adjacent crisis that have developed. If the internet is to be believed (just don't), the Yellowstone super volcano will be the next big event we'll have to deal with.
There has been a lot of thermal activity at Yellowstone National Park over the past several years and now scientists think they know why. They believe that magma rising is responsible for uplift in the park and new activity recently at Steamboat Geyser.
Living near Yellowstone is fun and educational. This cartoon is a great example of the kind of theories we get to hear on a somewhat regular basis. It wonders out loud what would happen if someone put a nuke in the super-volcano.
Stop me if you've heard this one before, but two major media outlets just declared that the Yellowstone super volcano is going to kill us all. (*sigh*)