30th Annual Casper Open Volleyball Tournament – November 14 & 15, 2015
The 30th Annual Casper Open Volleyball Tournament, hosted by the City of Casper Recreation Division, will be held Saturday, November 14 and Sunday, November 15, 2015. In 2014, over 131 Men’s and women’s teams from Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, South Dakota, Utah, Arizona, Minnesota and Nebraska participated.
It is anticipated that there will be over 300 matches played on 23 courts located throughout Casper during this event which is touted as the largest adult volleyball tournament in the region.
Various levels of play are offered for men's and women's teams. They include "A" Division (power volleyball - open teams), "B" Division (semi-power volleyball), and "C" Division (recreational volleyball).
Awards will be given to the top finishers in each division. In addition, the top two placing teams in each division will be awarded with volleyball attire. Consolation Bracket winners will be awarded a team plaque as well.
Other highlights of the tournament include a social for all team members and guests on Saturday evening at Galloway’s Irish Pub. Special discount hotel rates are available at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel, (307)266-6000 for participants.
The $100 per team entry fee is due no later than Thursday, October 29, 2015. The tournament format includes pool play on Saturday for all teams and double elimination competition for all teams on Sunday.
Checks should be made payable to the Casper Recreational Leagues Association (CRLA) or teams can register online at www.crlasports.com. Entries may be mailed or delivered to Casper Recreation Center, 1801 East 4th St., Casper, WY 82601. All tournament forms and information can be found on www.crlasports.com.
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