In the wake of a devastating tragedy in Nashville, Tennessee, in which three adults and three children were killed by an active shooter, the Casper Police Department are taking steps to ensure - as best they can - that something like that doesn't happen in Natrona County.

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On Tuesday, the CPD posted that they were taking advantage of Spring Break this week and they were 'borrowing' Natrona County High School.

That's according to a Facebook post from the department, which stated that "NCSD Spring Break offers the perfect opportunity for your Casper Police Department to utilize school property for ongoing active shooter training."

While they didn't confirm whether this training had anything to do with Monday's shootings, the timing of it is certainly apropos.

CNN reported that the suspect in the shooting deaths of six people is 28-year-old Audrey Hale. According to CNN, Hale was under care for an emotional disorder, yet was able to legally purchase seven separate firearms that were hidden in Hale's home.

Hale was a former student of The Covenant School.


Daily Mail reports that the Nashville school shooting is the 129th mass shooting in American in 2023.

It's only March.

"America is on course for having the bloodiest year yet, as the mass shooting of a private school in Nashville brings the grim total up to 129 this year," Daily Mail wrote. 

Because of these statistics, the Casper Police Department is working hard to ensure that they are prepared, should something similar happen in Natrona County.

"Real time, real place, exercises that enhance our constant state of readiness help protect our community," the CPD wrote.

Additionally, the Casper Police Department revisited a campaign from last year, in which they encouraged Casper residents to lock their guns up.

"The Day is done, where's your gun?" the CPD asked in another Facebook post. "Lock it up, Casper."

Countless politicians and community leaders will debate what actually leads to these mass shootings, but the Casper Police Department, at least, wants to be prepared for worst case scenarios, regardless of what leads to them.

K2 Radio News has reached out to the Casper Police Department to find out what actually goes into these active shooter trainings, as well as why it's so important for the CPD to run these trainings. At press time, we've not received a response but we will update this story if and when more information is offered. 

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