Casper’s Top 5 ‘WOW’ Moments In 2016 [VIDEOS]
Wow can mean a few different things depending on how you say it. It could be the “Wow! You look amazing.” Or the less fortunate “wow, did she really just do that.” There is even that rare case when someone reads wow upside-down and sees “mom."
This collection of oddities comes from the heart of the Cowboy State. From possible UFO sightings, to people being careless, to massive snow drifts, this set of videos is full of wow moments.
Wow, was that a UFO?
Unknown Object Sighted Flying Above CasperThis photograph was taken near Alcova Reservoir in September of 2016. There is clearly an object moving across the the sky. It is not a shooting star or airplane. Could it be a UFO? Watch the video and take the poll.
Wow, that is a lot of snow.
Wolf Creek Snowpocalypse in Casper, Wyoming 2/7/16The weather in Wyoming is always a story. If it is nice, it is a story about hitting the lake. If is snowy and nasty, well that is the story. This video recorded by the late Brian Scott show the massive snow drifts that accumulate near the base of Casper Mountain.
Wow, all those people stood still for the whole time.
Thankful Thursday Tackles Mannequin Challenge In CasperThis video is the mannequin challenge at the Beacon Club. It is wowing because all those people – nearly a packed bar – stood still for nearly a minute. It was quite impressive for a crowd that large.
Wow, is that car on fire?
USV Catches Fire at Mills RestaurantThere are fires all the time in Wyoming. This story made the wow-list because of the details. This car caught on fire, according to the police reports, by a external heater placed inside the car. Well, the car is warm and toasty now, but I don’t think it will make it to highway speeds.
Wow, are they that stupid?
Spectators Get Dangerously Close To Pathfinder SpilloverIn the early spring, we had a lot of moisture. Pathfinder dam was spilling over. Then this video surfaced of two people getting dangerously close to the water’s edge. Most people responded by saying they were stupid or had a death wish. We don’t know the state of mind of the people in the video, but it was definitely careless.