Dear Wolcott Neighborhood, Thanks For Letting Casper Trick-or-Treat at Your Homes
There were many trick-or-treating events for Halloween yesterday in Casper, but I would like to give a special shout out to the folks in the downtown neighborhood around Wolcott and Durbin.
Trick-or-treating is always a big part of Halloween. Over the years, it has evolved from traditional 'door to door' to a lot more of indoor style and structured events. There is nothing wrong with that and we greatly appreciate all of the local Casper businesses and community groups hosting these. However, it seems that fewer Casper neighborhoods are participating in the 'door to door' tradition.
I drove through many neighborhoods last night and saw lots of dark streets filled with homes with their porch lights out. While nobody is required to participate and hand out candy, it seems less people want to continue the tradition compared to years ago. Most neighborhoods used to be filled with young trick-or-treaters from the area but the streets are now all fairly deserted. There are, of course, a few homes on every street that would love to hand out candy but kids just aren't coming as much as they used to. Are families getting discouraged by the dark streets not wanting to make the journey for only a few houses that have their light on? Has everybody just became accustomed to attending the larger structured events? Whatever the reason may be, there is one neighborhood in particular that carries on the 'door to door' tradition and welcomes all of Casper to their homes.
The area of Wolcott between 9th and 12th St. has become the heartbeat of traditional trick-or-treating in Casper. The decorations are always top notch and the residents are warm and welcoming. The street is closed to traffic allowing families to safely roam the streets and sidewalks while going door to door to collect candy. Although not closed to traffic, Durbin St. and many of the surrounding streets had lots of homes that were in the Halloween spirit.
Thank you to all the residents in this neighborhood. You always go above and beyond to give Casper kids an amazing trick-or-treating experience. It is understood that many Casperites from all over town, not just the neighborhood, come to your homes to see the great decorations and have a traditional Halloween experience. The fact that you provide joy and TONS OF CANDY for kids from all over Casper is so appreciated. I'm sure the amount of candy you all buy is astronomical and all the extravagant decorating is no small feat. Your effort, your kindness, and your personal investment makes Halloween so great for so many people.
Thanks for all you do.
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