Do You Agree With This Former Kindergarten Teacher’s Viral Post?
A Kindergarten teacher used the internet to explain why she is no longer going to be a teacher.
As a past Wyoming public school teacher, much of what she said rang true.
Gentry explains that it's not about the pay, it's about the lack of respect.
She goes on to explain that it's not the students that have changed, but the parents.
PARENTING has changed. SOCIETY has changed. The kids are just the innocent victims of that. Parents are working crazy hours, consumed by their devices, leaving kids in unstable parenting/coparenting situations, terrible media influences... and we are going to give the excuse that the KIDS have changed?
I couldn't agree more. We are after all, a product of our environment.
Gentry talks about how she is continually pressured to use technology in the classroom, to put her students in front of tech all the time. She explains that this is at the cost of not only her time (all the teacher training sessions take hours from her every week) but she's seen the relationships between her and her students suffer.
Forget the basics of relationship building and hands on learning. Kids already can't read social cues and conduct themselves appropriately in social settings... let's toss more devices at them because it looks good on our website.
Can you hear my applause?
Parents (and yes I include myself in that) need to start looking at teachers not as the enemy, but as a partner. It would only be to the benefit of not only your children but the community as a whole.
After all, we all have the same goal in mind.
We want our children to succeed, both in the classroom and at life.