Donald Trump Calls Jon Stewart’s ‘Daily Show’ Segment on Herman Cain ‘Racist’ [VIDEOS]
Donald Trump is not only calling a ‘Daily Show with Jon Stewart’ segment “racist,” he’s calling it “very, very racist.”
On Monday, Stewart did a segment on the show about the sexual harassment allegations against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. During the segment, Stewart mocked Cain’s explanation for what happened, as well as making many jokes about how the world of pizza restaurants are already sexual because of all of the terminology used in the industry.
In a video response, Trump questions why it’s OK when Stewart makes these type of comments, and asked for people like the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to come out and denounce what Stewart and the show said.
“How come Jon Stewart gets away with a very, very racist rant against Herman Cain?,” the ‘Apprentice’ host asked. “Anybody else, deep deep trouble.”
Here’s the segment in question, followed by Trump’s response. Judge for yourself.