Girls On The Run Is Coming To Casper
Girls on the Run is coming to Casper, and if you have a daughter in 3rd to 8th grade now is the time to sign her up to be a part of this amazing organization.
The mission of Girls on the Run is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident.
After school meetings are held twice a week, and healthy snacks are provided.
The 10-week curriculum (taught by specially trained coaches) includes lessons that specifically target helping girls improve in Competence, Confidence, Caring, Character, Connection, and Contribution.
Girls learn specific skills and strategies such as how to manage emotions, help others, make intentional decisions, and resolve conflict that they then use at home, at school, and with friends.
During meetings, the girls will walk, jog and run in preparation for an end of season celebration and 5k.
Casper's Girls on the Run 2020 Season begins on March 23rd and ends June 7th.
This years' 5k will take place on June 6th in conjunction with the Casper Marathon and is open to the public. It will be formatted as a "Fun Run" (no timing) and will be a celebration for the girls who completed the program.
To join Casper's Girls on the Run there is a registration fee of $150 or $25/$50 free and reduced lunch. This fee includes a healthy snack at 20 practices, a t-shirt, 5K registration fee, insurance, curriculum, trained coaches and facility fees. Use the information provided below to inquire about financial aid and scholarships.
Interested in starting a team at your school?
Coaches and volunteers ARE needed.
Contact Cheri Grutowski at or Shalley Aragon at
Registration is now open for girls and coaches: