It’s Back To School Time, Don’t Forget To Do These 5 Things
Glenrock kids go back to school in a little over two weeks (Aug 19 is our first day) and Casper kids start just two weeks after that.
Summer has flown by, and you know the last few weeks go by the quickest of them all.
As a working mom with five kids, I've learned that it is best to get done as much as I can before the last week of Summer.
The obvious things like getting school supplies and vaccinations are usually at the front of my mind (thanks to commercials and social media posts) but there are always a few things that I consistently seem to forget.
I thought that making a list here of 5 things that tend to slip my mind would be helpful. And I've included links that should make things easier too.
- Sports Physicals: I always forget these, and the big "uh oh" feeling when my kids come home with the practice schedule is never nice. Get these done before school starts so you can hit the field (or court) ASAP. Natrona County School District Physical Examination Form Converse County School District #2 Physical Examination Form
- Haircuts: This is definitely one where it pays to plan ahead. If you wait until the last week of Summer you probably won't be able to find an opening with your favorite stylist.
- Get Back on Schedule: Trust me, you do not want to wait until the weekend before school to get your kids used to waking up early and going to bed on time. We usually go to bed a whole hour later in the Summer than in the school year. I start tweaking our schedule two weeks before school (in 30-minute increments each week) so we are ready to go on the first day of school. Natrona County School District Schedule Converse County School District #2 Schedule
- Brush Up on Those Fine Motor Skills: Hopefully, your kids have had lots of time working on there Gross Motor Skills while they played outside this Summer. Fine Motor Skills don't usually get as much of a workout. This means kids come home with tired and sore hand muscles for the first few weeks of school. Help them out by encouraging them to color, play with playdough, and use stickers to decorate paper. It will strengthen those muscles so getting back to the work of writing won't be so painful.
- Talk to Your Children About Your Expectations: With a teen, tween, two grade-schoolers, and a preschooler, we have a lot going on. I always find it helpful to have a private conversation with each of them about how we expect them to behave at school, what to do if they are upset or need help while at school, and appropriate bus behavior. It ensures we are all on the same page when the school year begins and opens up the avenue for later conversations.
Take a deep breath and don't stress.
You still have plenty of time to get it all done, but it might be worth making a few phone calls and scheduling those appointments sooner rather than later.