When you move into a new area there are certain things you need to do. Change your address, get a drivers license, register your car and register to vote are all important tasks that need to be done.

In the thick of things, you may forget something like registering to vote. The importance of letting your voice be heard during an election, is really high. Wyoming has a great resource to help you in the process with SOS.WYO.GOV

I'm fairly certain that if you've turned on a TV or Radio, checked Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok, you've seen the campaigns reminding you to get out and vote. You always hear or see people telling you to vote, but maybe you've never registered to vote and aren't sure where to begin.


  • If you're new to Wyoming and are looking to cast your vote, you need to register.
  • If you lived in Wyoming, but didn't vote in the 2020 general election, you should check your registration.
  • If you've lived in Wyoming your entire life, but moved to a different county in the state, you still need to register in county where you moved?
  • If you moved in the same county, or changed your name, you need to let the County Clerk know

If you haven't registered or updated your registration, never fear you still have time.

Registering to vote is a simple process and even with the Election Day 2022 here, you can still cast your ballot.

Here are ways to get the process started

Once you find your polling place you can register at the location and cast your ballot.

  • Provide One Of These Forms Of Identification
    • Wyoming ID / Drivers License
    • Out Of State Drivers License
    • U.S. Passport
    • WY Student ID
    • Tribal Id
  • OR Provide Two Of These Forms Of Identification
    • Certificate of US citizenship or naturalization
    • Draft Record
    • Voter Registration Card from other State
    • Original or Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
    • Another Government Issued I
  • It's not mandatory, but bringing proof of address can help

If you've been worried about your voters registration and were bummed that you may not get a chance to vote this time around, never fear....you still have a chance.

Keep Casper Beautiful Public Art

Beginning in 2016 the City of Casper and Art 3-2-1 have been working together to wrap traffic light control boxes all over the city. New boxes are wrapped with original artwork from Natrona County artists.

Natrona County Public Library and Wyoming Game & Fish Serve as Voting Locations

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