The spring season in high school athletics can always be tricky with changing weather conditions in the Rocky Mountain region. But the Wyoming athletes are a pretty resilient group so they're up to the task despite cold, snow, and wind.

We have another big group of photos from around the state featuring soccer, track, softball, and a bit of lacrosse.  Once again, a huge tip of the hat to all the stellar photographers who contribute to our Pics of the Week series. If you have some images that you would like to share, we'll take them. Use the WyoPreps mobile app or email them to

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Wyoming High School Sports Pics of the Week: Apr. 10-13

Wyoming High School Sports Pics of the Week: Apr. 10-13

Gallery Credit: Amber Muir, Chrissy Sanchez, Frank Gambino, Shannon Dutcher, Ashley Jensen, Kelly Milam, Treva Hurst, Greg Wise, James Yule,

Wyoming High School Soccer
Photo Courtesy: Greg Wise