Larry Shyatt To Open New ‘Papa Shy’s’ Pizza Chain [Satire]
Former University of Wyoming basketball coach Larry Shyatt announced a new business venture today. Later this year, he will launch a statewide chain of restaurants called 'Papa Shy's Pizza'.
According to Shyatt, the company's slogan will be "Decent Ingredients, Decent Pizza".
"Our product will be similar to the teams I coached during my six seasons in Laramie. It won't be great, but it'll be better than you'd expect from a pizza chain in Wyoming," Shyatt said.
Former Pokes star Fennis Dembo will be the celebrity spokesman for the 'Papa Shy's' advertising campaign.
Shyatt originally wanted Larry Nance, Jr. for the role, but settled on Dembo when he agreed to help market the chain in exchange for a lifetime supply of free pizza.
To help bring more awareness to the brand, the official Papa Shy's employee uniforms will feature a replica of Shyatt's trademark gold sweater.
The first 'Papa Shy's Pizza' location is set to open this fall in Laramie, with additional franchises planned for Cheyenne and Casper in 2017.