Growing up, we all knew the words to the Oscar Mayer wiener song,

Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer wiener,
that is what I'd truly like to be,
'cause if I were an Oscar Mayer wiener,
everyone would be in love with me.

We all knew that song because of the ad campaign that started in 1965 that made the jingle a part of everyday life.

Now a Hotdogger team from Oscar Mayer brings the Wienermobile to town so you can sing the song and get you own wiener whistle from team Bunderstruck. Team Bunderstruck consists or Michael Tierney and Hannah Carson. They are traveling across the country and are looking for supporters and ideas of what to do in the communities they visit. To find out more about the competition and how you can win a day with the wienermobile, check out the website at

You can find the Wienermobile at Smith's Grocery on Thursday, September 12th from 12pm-6pm. be sure and stop in to see Michael and Hannah and pick up a free Wienermobile Run key chain and one of the iconic wiener whistles while they are here.

Michael and Hannah will also be stopping by the radio station at 150 N Nichols Wednesday morning at 8AM.


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