Self-Driving Car Barely Misses Mama Bear and Cubs in Glacier
I must admit that I'm still not at the point where I'm completely willing to trust self-driving cars. Maybe I should change my mind based on a new video that's just been shared from Glacier National Park.
According to the story on Daily Motion, a Tesla Model 3 was driving through Glacier National Park at night. Watch what happened when a mama bear and her cubs walked in front of the car.
I don't know about you, but my human eyes would not have seen that bear in time before there would have possibly been tragedy. The self-driving car had no problems thankfully. The video description indicates the car was going 50 mph just prior to the bears entering the roadway.
The Motley Fool did a story on the different levels of self-driving cars and how they will affect the future. This Tesla Model 3 must be level 5 as it completely handled what would have been a bad situation for even the best human driver.