Multiple mainstay Casper businesses are partnering to help provide meals for 1,000 kids.
Wyoming Food for Thought has announced a city-wide food drive in which the non-profit is working to provide 36,000 meals to 1,000 Casper children.
The food drive is taking place through March 25...
“As a parent, it means a lot,” she said with tears in her eyes. “You struggle to try and give your kids everything and then, when you can’t give them something on Christmas, it breaks your heart. To be able to have an opportunity to get that, and then you don’t have to feel like a bad parent, it’s amazing. It’s a great feeling.”
Famous make-up artist, YouTube star and new Wyoming resident Jeffree Star has kicked off the holiday season with a large generous donation to Casper's annual 'Stuff the Van' Toy Drive. Jeffree Star's donation is also a challenge to inspire others to give to ensure all those in need are fed and have a great holiday season.
For many, these are perilous times where having enough to eat every day is a legitimate concern. Fortunately, there are a lot of options in Casper to get the food help you need or help provide if you have plenty.
The 20th annual 'Stuff The Van' was a success collecting gifts for 2,400 kids. Thanks for your help, this year's contribution is the most significant in its history.