Thrillist’s Best Summer Beer from Wyoming
Every website, every company, everybody has their own opinion on what the best beer is. These stories are like asking your friend what they like to drink. You listen. Weigh the argument. Then consider trying the brew. Now just published the Best Summer Beers for Every State in America. What brew did they think is the best in Wyoming? First let’s look at some of the other best summer beers from our neighboring states.
In Colorado the best beer is Upslope’s Thai Style White IPA. I’ve had Thai food, but never Thai beer. I wonder is it spicy, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter? Colorado has so many breweries these days, this must be a good beer to stand out in heavy competition.
Montana’s best summer beer comes out of Bozeman. It is the Montucky Cold Snack. Thrillist describes it as cheap, average, and perfect for BBQs or floating down a river. The brewery gives a portion of their proceeds to charity. So you can drink without guilt… or at least a little less.
Idaho’s best summer beer is the Blood Orange Rustler from Payette Brewing. Thrillist describes the beverage as a fruity IPA.
Canyon Cream Ale is the summer beer from South Dakota. The writers at Thrillist like this drink because it reminded them when they accidentally dunked their vanilla ice cream cone in their beer.
Utah is not the first place you think of when talking about alcohol. But they do have their own breweries. Thrillist gave The Uinta Skipping Stone the title of best summer beer in Utah. In Nebraska the best is the Cardinal Pale Ale out of the largest brewery in the state.
And the Cowboy State best summer beer according to Thrillist is the Snake River’s Monarch. “This Pilsner wins summer in a state that might be one of the best summer destinations in the US,” Lee Breslouer and Andy Kryza wrote on
Not that I have as much clout as Thrillist, but my vote for best Wyoming summer beer goes to Black Tooth Brewery’s Hot Streak IPA. It is slightly hoppy and fruity. For an IPA, this beer has a very nice crisp and clean finish. That’s what I think, now what about you? What is your favorite summer beer from Wyoming?