Watch a Gray Wolf Mother Cuddle Her Week-Old Pup to Sleep
Here's something you will rarely ever be able to see. Video shows a gray wolf mother cuddling her week-old pup to sleep.
This wolf family moment has captured the imagination of the internet as it's been trending for the past couple of weeks on Digg among other places. It's a video that was shared by the Wolf Conservation Center.
The Wolf Conservation Center shared details on why this video is special even though it's not exactly brand new:
This Mexican gray wolf mother (Trumpet) and pup represent the Wolf Conservation Center's active participation to save a species from the brink of extinction.
The extinction part is a controversial issue. NPR reported last year that the gray wolf was set to be removed off of the endangered species list. It doesn't seem there's much agreement on how much the gray wolf has recovered. To put it simply, ranchers are not fans of wolves that prey on their cattle.
The wolf in this video is not in the wild and is part of the Wolf Conservation Center. Depending on your viewpoint, this video is either precious showing a young wolf family surviving or a future predator that will be a threat to the way of life of many humans.

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