Watch a Movie in a Boat Event Coming to Denver in September
Would you be interested in watching a movie in a boat? If your answer is yes, be aware that there is an event just like this that is coming to Denver in September.
Beyond Cinema is behind this new idea of watching movies in boats and there are events happening all over America. Here's how it went in Los Angeles recently.
OutThere Colorado shared details of the "floating cinema" event that will happen in Denver September 2 through September 6. In this era where social distancing is the only way to safely have events like this, you have to believe there will be big interest.
If you think you're up for a road trip to the big city for a movie, you need to register before the tickets even go on sale. The official ticket site has more of the specific details. Here are a few of the key facts about this from that ticket site:
The cinema will be made up of 12 to 24 mini boats, holding up to 8 people per boat. Movies are set to be a mix of golden oldies and new releases but will be announced when tickets go on sale!
They also mention that each boat will come with free popcorn for the passengers. Popcorn for the win.
Would you be up for watching a movie while floating? Sounds pretty good to me. Hit the official ticket site for details.