Watch Fishermen Remain Chill While a Huge Bear Charges By Them
How would you respond to this situation? A new video shows a group of fishermen who remain completely calm as a huge brown bear comes charging right by them.
The person who shared the video claims the brown bear was just curious about the fishermen and came by to check them out. See if you agree.
I find it staggering that none of the fishermen even move a muscle. I know it's a good idea to remain calm in a situation like this, but wow.
We know a thing or two about charging bears here in Wyoming. It's not uncommon for a scared bear to bluff charge with no real intention of attacking. The National Park Service website about staying safe around bears recommends not fighting back if a brown bear or grizzly attacks you. They say it's the opposite if it's a black bear as playing dead will not work. If you can't escape, fight back.
One of two things has to be happening with these fishermen. Either they are experienced outdoorsmen and know something I don't or they are naïve and don't realize the danger they're confronted with. Fortunately for all involved, this was just an interesting close encounter with a huge brown bear.