Weird UFO Captured Flying Over Spring Creek Ranch near Jackson
It appears that Jackson, Wyoming may have a new celebrity resident. Looks like E.T. flew over a ranch in that area in a very weird UFO captured on video.
Kudos to Buckrail for this find. According to their story, a worker was out looking for Perseid meteors that were expected Monday and Tuesday night. What they saw instead was this strange light that you can see flying straight across the top of the screen.
It does look like a plane at first, but then it gets way brighter at about this point.
I checked the AMS Meteors website and there were no reported fireballs over Wyoming Monday night.
Is it a plane? Sure doesn't look like any plane I'm aware of unless the government let a new experiment loose from Area 51.
A UFO by definition is an unidentified flying object. So far, there is no one that has definitely identified this, so yes you have a real Wyoming UFO.
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