What Makes Wyoming A Great State To Live Off-Grid?
If you've been contemplating moving off-grid and living away from other people, you've got a leg up on most people by living in Wyoming.
The cowboy state is ranked in the top 10 of best states for off-grid living.
What does 'off-grid living' actually mean? Merriam-Webster.com gives the definition as: not connected to or served by publicly or privately managed utilities (such as electricity, gas, or water).
Think about how the homesteaders did it in 1800's Wyoming. A basic home, with a water source close, some livestock & crops, and living without the headache of normal city living.
Obviously the opportunities in 2022 are more in your favor than they were in the 1800's. We now have solar options, water collecting technology, vehicles, generators and other modern factors have changed off-grid living a bit.
With the state population being so low and the state having so much land, finding land to purchase and get your off-grid lifestyle going is much easier than many states.
They Wyoming off-grid living laws are actually in your favor if you're planning disappearing into the Wyoming wilderness. As a matter of fact, there are no laws keeping you from living off-grid.
In Wyoming there are many reasons that may make you want to live off-grid, you can:
- off-grid living is legal
- harvest rainwater
- have off-grid solar and wind power
- homeschool your kids
- hunt & fish
- low property taxes
Some of the negatives of off-grid living in Wyoming
- Weather.
- Winters are harsh and summers can be dry low rain totals could result in water issues
- Crops can be tough to grow is some areas
- lack of growing seasons and water
- Human interaction
- if you are a social person, off-grid living may not be for you.
The positives certainly outweigh the negatives, but seeing it on the screen is quite different than actually living off-grid. Getting your ducks in a row and having a plan of action is the best way to start your new off-grid phase of life.
If you've considered off-grid living, Wyoming is certainly one of the best states to do it.