5 Items To Keep In Your Car For When You Get Stuck In Snow
Winter in Wyoming can a wonderful time, but the snow and the wind can turn driving conditions into the opposite of a wonderland.
It is very common for folks to get stuck on the side streets that do not get plowed and even on major highways. Here are five items that you should keep in your car all winter that will help you if you get stuck.
Collapsible Shovel:
This lightweight shovel folds up for easy storage and will be your best friend when you need to dig your tires out of a situation.
Kitty Litter:
This one may seem odd, but once you have dug out your tires, the litter will give you the extra traction on the snow you will need to maneuver out of the hole you are in.
Roadside Flares:
If you get stuck at night, these flares will signal to other drivers that you are in distress.
Warm Gloves:
You are going to be doing some digging, so you will want to keep those hands warm.
LED Lantern:
Don't waste the batter on your mobile phone using the flashlight. If you need to see what you are doing, this small lantern will do the trick.