7 Natrona County Teachers Honored As 2022 Ellbogen Meritorious Educators
It's been said that 'Those who can't do, teach,' and never has a statement been more erroneous.
Educators, especially in Natrona County, do more than they know. That's why things like the Academic Awards Banquet was created.
According to a press release from the Natrona County School District, "The Academic Awards Banquet began in 1998 to recognize the exemplary work of the top 10 percent of each school’s graduating seniors and the educators who have significantly contributed to their high academic achievement. Student growth, high academic achievement, and positive influential adult-student relationships are foundational components contributing to the success of students, schools, and our community. The group of students and educators honored as part of this community tradition exemplifies the successful attainment of that goal."
Students who are honored are able to nominate three educators who they believe have contributed to their own academic achievement and/or positively influenced their educational journey. The educators who received the most nominations from students were chosen to be honored as an Ellbogen Meritorious Educator at the Awards Banquet.
The funding for the awards and the banquet come from the John P. Ellbogen Foundation and the Ruth R. Ellbogen Foundation.
"Congratulations to the 2022 Ellbogen Meritorious Educators on this recognition and exceptional honor," the press release stated. "Your outstanding work to provide all students with positive and inspiring opportunities to excel and achieve high academic success has made a lasting positive impact on their educational journey and, ultimately, a significant positive contribution to educational excellence and our community. Thank you."
The Natrona County School District said that they are honored to parnter with the Academic Awards Banquet Committee, as well as with the Casper College Foundation, the Ellbogen Foundations, and all of the educators for "their significant support and dedication to empowering every learner to grow, excel, and become successful contributors to our community."
The 2022 Ellbogen Meritorious Educators are:
- Karen Bayert
- Kimberly Kent
- Annette Pace
- Randy Bower
- Rebecca Sondag
- Anne Barreda
- Todd Trupp
The Academic Awards Banquet Committee and the Natrona County School District also named the 2022 Significant Educators:
Michelle Adkins | Timothy Fauss | Carla Larsen | Donna Scott |
Megan Amadio | Kathleen Finch | Jennifer Lewis | Chad Sharpe |
Daryl Amador | Bridget Fink | Aaron Makelky | Peter Sipes |
Cheryl Anderson | Jason Foery | Cody Marvel | Kaoru Slotsve |
Christopher Asay | Brenda Foy | Elizabeth Masterson | Ernest Smith |
Jamie Bachert | Jim Fulkerson | Randy McIntyre | Gene Smith |
Dwight Ballard | Shawn Galles | Andrea Miller | Jessica Snell |
Jeff Barkell | Brent Greene | Hannah Miller | Rebecca Sondag |
Kristy Barr | Steve Grussendorf | Pamela Miller | Bud Sorensen |
Anne Barreda | Cheri Grutkowski | Ben Mitchell | Paula Sorensen |
Karen Bayert | Bridget Gwilliam | Caroline Mooren | Jim Spaulding |
Christine Beamer | Victoria Haight | Matthew Neely | Whitney Speiser |
Casey Beck | Sarah Hanson | Michelle Nicol | Shireen Stafford |
Katherine Boehnke | Elizabeth Harris | Michelle Onstott | Meegan Steinberg |
Eleanor Bolender | Angela Hartl | Christine Owen | Erin Stillwell |
Jennifer Bower | Dustin Hebert | Ryan Owens | Becky Strand |
Randy Bower | Sue Heisner | Annette Pace | Devon Strube |
Cynthia Brachtenbach | Karen Higginson | Danna Parker | Jacob Stutheit |
Steve Brater | Kim Hilderbrand | Carrie Patterson | Jared Swenson |
Jane Brown | Kalen Hill | Wendy Pollock | Matthew Teterud |
Joni Bunce | Aaron Hinton | Jill Pomroy | Todd Trupp |
Rebecca Byer | April Hischke | Ronald Powell | Wayne Tuttle |
Susan Carlson | Erik Holden | Josh Propp | Scott Underbrink |
Angela Cavalier | Ashlie Howell | Tara Realing | Daphne Vaughn |
Jacob Chaloupka | Dennis Howell | Brandie Reed | Leah Washington |
Mark Cimburek | Paul Hult | Duane Reimer | Shawn Weis |
Jamie Clouser | Arthur Ireland | Randy Ridgeway | Heather Wetzel |
Tobias Clouser | Carla Itzen | Mack Riggs | Jolene Whitley |
Aubrey Corbett | Stephanie Jensen | Desiree Riley | Bethany Williams |
Amy Costello | Jonna Johnson | Alicyn Roberson | Kristina Williams |
Jeffery Crouse | Vicky Johnson | Nicole Roden | Kristy Williams |
Shawn Delaney | Jill Felbeck-Jones | Christy Rodgers | Patricia Williams |
Gary DePaolo | Catherine Kellick | Katarina Rooney | Lacey Wilson |
Kristi DePoorter | Melanie Kelly | Brent Rose | Jessica Winford |
Mauro Diaz | Kayla Kennedy | Jo Schiller | Debra Womack |
Marcee Diller | Traci Kennedy | Susan Schilling | Erin Zavodny |
Kerin Dillon | Kimberly Kent | Peter Schmotzer | Rick Zimmer |
Jenny Edwards | Patricia Kindel | Zach Schneider | |
Brianna Farrell | Leah Lange | Sheryl Schroefel |
So, anybody who says "those who can't do, teach," have clearly never met a teacher from Natrona County. Our teachers do so much. They prepare our children. They cultivate education. They inspire greatness.
They save lives.
Teachers, especially in Natrona County, do more than they could never know. And for that, we thank them. We acknowledge them. We honor them.