What’s Christmas all about for country music star Brad Paisley and his young family?

He’s a great person to ask. After all, Paisley, who’s married to actress Kimberly Williams-Paisley and has two sons – Huck, age 3, and Jasper, age 1 — titled the first song he wrote, when he was just 12 years old, “Born on Christmas Day”.

Paisley took time out to answer our Christmas questions by email.

Where will you celebrate Christmas this year?

At our home in Tennessee.

What are you most looking forward to this Christmas?

Playing with all of the new toys my boys will get.

What’s your favorite part of the holiday season?

Lighting fires in the fireplace with all of my family and friends near.

What gift are you going to buy for your wife, Kimberly Williams-Paisley?

I don’t want to ruin the surprise by having it posted here! And besides, I don’t know.

What gift are you hoping to get this year?

My two front teeth.

What’s the best Christmas present you ever got?

The guitar my papaw gave me for Christmas when I was 8—it changed my life.

[Paisley’s “papaw” is his maternal grandfather.]

What’s your favorite Christmas song?

Silent Night…it’s a timeless melody.

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