FAKE Study Calls Wyoming The “Least Green State”
A fake "study" trashing Wyoming?
Written by someone who has never been to Wyoming?
Must be Wallet Hub. Let me check for you.
YUP! It's those turds at Wallet Hub- AGAIN!
WalletHub recently ranked each state in terms of how "green" they are.
They used subjective and often misused and debatable terms to define "green."
Terms 'environmental quality, 'eco-friendly behaviors', and 'climate change contributions'.
They define "climate change" in such a way as to suggest it is not a natural occurrence that has been happening for billions of years.
YES, Wyoming is pumping more CO2 into the air.
CO2 is a minor component of our atmosphere and is essential for plant growth. NASA studies show more CO2 in the atmosphere is greening the planet.
Studies show that if there is a 100 percent increase in CO2 levels increases plant growth from 22-41 percent, depending on plant type.
Here is where it gets REALLY LAUGHABLE.
Wyoming ranks as the 7th LEAST green state in the country.
Yet we have the highest air quality of any other state.
The Cowboy State was 42nd in eco-friendly behaviors and 46th in climate-change contributions.
Yet if anyone were to actually come out here to see how we manage coal, gas, and oil they would see how clean and green we do it in the cowboy state.
WE ARE NOT causing a climate catastrophe.
Wallet Hub says that Wyoming was also 48th in soil quality.
Wyoming tied for last in energy consumption per capita. Why is consuming energy bad? Would you rather live without it? Good luck going back to those days.
Wyoming is 46th in gas consumption per capita.
Again... REALLY?
If the lazy losers at Wall Hub bothered to come out there they would find that everything here is really spread out. It can take hours to get to the next town.
That means lots of driving.
Let's take a look at states with massive populations and add up how much fuel they use sitting in traffic.
THE FACTS HERE ON THE GROUND CLEARLY SHOW that Wyoming takes care of its land, soil, water, and air better than almost any other state in the nation.
Anyone who might spend just a little bit of time out here might know that.
But the LOSERS at Wallet Hub never leave their little office cubicles when they Google "research" for these FAKE STUDIES!