Bowl for Jason's' Friends is coming up fast on Saturday, March 4th and there's still room for several more teams for the popular fundraiser. Each five-person team bowls for about an hour in an assigned time slot from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM at El Mark-O Lanes. Phantom bowlers who collect donations and are eligible for prizes, but choose not to bowl, are also encouraged to participate.

There will also be special prizes and a silent auction as well as food and lots of fun. Funds raised through the event will provide financial assistance for families in the community and throughout Wyoming whose children are suffering from life-threatening childhood cancers and brain or spinal cord tumors. Jason's Friends helps with rent, utilities, insurance, autos, travel expenses, groceries, clothing and day-to-day living expenses.

Last year, almost 1000 bowlers participated in the event, which collected almost $325,000 after expenses. Jason’s Friends is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and the event is run by volunteers. 95% of the dollars taken in go directly to families in need.

Team bowling packets, containing event and donation information, are available online at, or at any First Interstate Bank location or Hilltop Bank location, El Mark-O Lanes, or Jason’s Friends at 340 West B. Street. For more information, contact Jason’s Friends Foundation at 235-3421 or visit

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